Hey people..

Im back to tell you that I have Teeth Pain right now. Its happend already arround this 3 day's. What's up for you? Do you have any problems about your healthy? Um, I hope everything well and you all are stay healthy !

After I have this Very Teeth Pain, that actually really painfull, so I cook my own meals. Yeah, I can not eat normal like eating rice freely nor hard stuff like crispy or hard snack's. Juice, Smoothies, Soup, Nice Cream, Lasagna, Pasta, Pudding are my best choice till now hahaha. In my past, I mostly cook Porridges, because it was the easy way and we can add all topping or varian we like to add. By the time I learn about food and healthy stuff, I make less eat Porridge, because the proses are very over cook for Porridge rice. Its mean, not be really health for our body. Why?

An over cook Porridge can cause of Complex Carbohidrate --> that make increase become higher glucose number in something we eat. This is very not recommend, literally when you alraeady have diabets or maybe 'Cancer. If you want still eat Porridge when you are sick, you can make it healthier thaen the conventional one's.

For example; make Healthy Porridge from : Steam Sweat Cassava, blend it together with high-protein milk or almond milk. You can also add some Brocoli if you like (because I liek that much!). Or, Steam Potatoes & Carrots, then mashed it (Just like you will make mashes potatoes btw) then after all, blend it together.

Anyone help me to share nice soft meals I can make for my own self when I have teeth pain ?
This is one of my food look when I dont have much time to cook Nice Cream or Healthy Porridges actually.
