Hello my human..

How are you there? I wishes all of you are well and the important thing is still being the best version of your self in this  ̶s̶t̶r̶a̶n̶g̶e̶  new moment. Well, situation of course strange for everyone worldwide right? Everything new for us and we need to adapt with this situation quick than ever. What that is mean by being adapt? So many things to do. You know, I think we-all-know , the first major is must take care & boost our immune and having healthy-clean life style. In other side, leaving house without mask nowday is mean trying to kill your self slowly down.

Do you think all the things that I mention in first line are necessary today? YeS, but there is another precious major think you need to recognize? What is that? Umm. In my opinion, today we need to have the strong skill listening what #Universe trying to tell us. Waow, sounds so serious what is that? "I even never hearing this kind of words and of course I don't understand this, hahahhaa- seriously?", I know now you will say this to me-

As long as this Pandemic Seriall Killer happend since December - untill last April. I really learnt much. So manythings. I know this Pandemic still goin and no one knows in this world know how or when this era will be have happy ending for all of us. But I tell you one thing; If you're really carefully aware with this situation and (ofc) with your self, you will listen. Listen what inside of you trying to speak. 

As you know, now people (and world) are have 2 side of opposites. 1 - The one who aware to stay home in this pandemic and carefully upgrade their self under circumtances and the stuff they have from home. OR, 2 - The second one whom actually can't stay home and barely want to be outside as soon as possible or maybe anytime they can. So which one are the good one for this situation ?

There is no good or bad for this each of persepctives if you're asking me. Its depend on how you see this idea and the reason behind of it. If you're go out just for have fun or hang out with your friends in this situation, I can say yes it's bad of course. But if you're go out just for shopping some stuff in grocery then go home it's good - because you're trying to fullfill your own family needs. So, rather than trying to figure out which one is the most right thing to do, today is better to ''listening''. To listen what you need most to be human. For you, for others. 

Wether you must to keep stay at home or need to go out, listen your heart. Ask for it if you need so :
"Do I need this?"  "Do its wise if I do this now?" Your heart will tell you honestly the answer..

Also in this mean time,
There is alot of time for you to do realize what happend with you, your life, and what next to do..

How to do it?
You can simply start it with new daily routine :

-Have Quality Sleep Time
 Put your mobile phone away 1-2 hour before you're sleep
 Sleep at least 7 hour / night (22pm-6am are the best time)
-Wake up earlier (Arround 6 am are maximal) to start your day
-Take time for meditation (Pray) & have quality time with GO 30-60 minutes each morning
  Tell GOD whatever you want to tell; like you're telling story to your friend. Say thanks always.
-Write Journal about how you feel today or yesterday, or what you're wish for tomorrow
-Have healthy breakfast (Fruit, carbo and little sweet things are good too...)
-Take more time to feel gratittude by saying thanks for every easiness you have everytime

You know, I know its look like only point to point to do above. But I hope you can do it with full intentions. These is very little things I do everyday to raise good mood; to have stabil emotions to pass my daily life. Of course I know we're all in  ̶h̶a̶r̶d̶  time now, but doesn't mean we're stuck worrying not doing anything. Go explore you're self ratehr than complain, complain, or blaiming peoples or situation's. You still can be more productive from home if you're want to do it. Even if you're the kind of outdoor people those must be stay home for while. All the thing you need to do is, you just need to start your own creativities.

Nature are trying to remind us & Universe are trying tell us now. So lest take deal and listen carefull, you may can got some precious moment to be better version of your self to continue your own journey with new version..
