Hi,so as my new hobbies for now is baking and cooking new recipes, so I want to try make some over and aover again..last weekend I was super busy  baking and preparing little hampers for some of my close friend. So here I made for them actually. Lets check it out.

Chocolate Dates

So, what we need and how we make it?
We need :
- Arabic Dates (Palm Fruit) 200 gr
-Dark/Milk/White Chocolates 250 gr
-Topping: You can use sprinkles, chocochips, riceballs, etc

How to make :
-Clean the dates and throw the seed out
-Put chocolate on bowl (Microwave Friendly) put it on microwave arround 1 minutes or untill its 
 pretty melted. You also can bowl it and put it on the steam water untill it melted
-Take one by one of the dates to melted chocolate on bowl, let the chocolate cover the whole of the
 dates. Move to some place, chill. Make some and repeat
-Then before the chocolates become freeze, spark the topping on the top. Make it pretty!
