Hi, after all this long, have you ever realize that you're really connecting with your own soul ? You have so many opportunities to be re-connect with your self, more deep, more honest. Be the naked purest as you can be. It will brings you to the happy soul and challenging journey you never dreams. I also do this along my life,
Especially this 5 years.
After I broke up multiple times with some man I known. It inviting me to became have more willing to expand for what I looking for depend of the most need stuff I need for my self. I may love my self too much. So I want more connect again and again with my self anytime. I do this with vow - trusting the Universe fully. I come to the invitaion, I trust it, I re-connect, i expand, then I enjoy more about the journey of my own path in life.
You know, some peoples may see I was crazy. Maybe Iam. because sometimes I look too that, I look too this. But I was so happy with everything I take. So I don't really care about what people commenting about my life and the decision I will take. You know; Life already challenging sometimes, why we need other peoples challenges? We just need our's and re-connect again and again with our self. To meet the greatest self version of our's..
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