Hi readers,
I'm coming back..
I got flu, cough, throatpain for week's, after I came back hiking Bromo Mountain last weekend :(, It was little suck's, I know. But well, that's life. It can not being too perfect as I want or planed for!
Today I want to share that..
For me, even I went to Doctor and got some of my Medicine such as Flu Pill's, Antibiotics (For My Throat), Cough Pill's, Fever Pill's and Vitamin C, just for your information..
I never eat all that pill's :D
LOL, for me, if I went to the Doctor, it just to checking how far my sickness goes and let my self knowing the progress of what happen with my body.
But, to get my body well and to recovery my body, I prefer to only living right way. So I will did kind of :
1. Sleep and take rest more with quality
2. Drink Mineral Water more More than 2 Liters everyday (Especially hot/warm one)
3. Eat Fruit more and more
4. Eat healthy food (No oily food/fried one)
5. Drink Milk
6. Eat only Vitamin C (If you think its needed)
7. Positive Thinking (That your body already have their own sickness killer)
This kind of fruit that can give me good-feeling when I consumed them:
1. Banana
2. Dragon Fruit
4. Lime (To mix it with warm water, to make my throat better)
How to eat them?
For Banana, Dragon Fruit, Manggo, I ussualy eat dirrectly as fruit.
Sometimes I eat them with Granola and mix it with white creamy milk, sometimes make them as juice or smoothies.
Or, do you know nice cream?
Yeap, I made nice cream from my overnight frozen banana that blended with dragon fruit, then eat them with granola and slice of manggoes :D
Happy healthy everyone :)
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