Have you ever heard or tasted about Papaya Jam before? I think not. Hahaha, I falling in love about Papaya Jam since the first time when the first time I ate in breakfast time at Grand Serela Kuta Bali last holiday. After that time I was being Papaya jam lover. Thats why I want to share about how to make a homemade Papaya Jam. I done this weekend. Yipiiiiii !
So this was the ingredients:
- A Half of Papaya
-2 Spoon of White Sugar
-100 cc Mineral Water
How to Make:
Cleaning out and peeled the Papaya and cut it into some part (Or if you like the soft texture, you can blended it with juicer machine). After that, put papaya, sugar and water on the pan. Boiled it away. Until boiling. If you're think its enough boiled, lift up. Move in to open space like bowl. After its cool, then move to the jar. Keep it in cool place like icebox.
Today, l eat my papaya jam with lndian Flat Bread's (Mashala)
Today, l eat my papaya jam with lndian Flat Bread's (Mashala)
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